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Meet the team behind Bare West Events Ltd.


Nigel P - Director, Licensee and the buck stops with him. Been a naturist for ever and has been running naturist events for years


Nigel T – Director of the Company, sensible and safe set of hands. Checks out suitability of external venues. Works tirelessly behind the scenes promoting naturism in the southwest


Rachel W – runner and dogsbody, keeps Nigel P in check, joint treasurer, media rep, guardian of Domino (RIP)


Carole T – Welcoming Committee (your first point of contact at our Events), Organises pitching and paperwork, runs the craft. Looks after our welfare, superb cake-maker. Joint Treasurer.


Mike W – Bar Manager, general dogsbody, entertainer (you may have heard his jokes), dab hand with a drill. Event Bargain Hunter (in 2021 got 10% discount on the beer by beating the manager of the brewery at a game of pool).


Shân A – Safeguarding, musician and chief “teller-offer”. Entertainments Officer, Food Hygiene qualified. Runs the Bare Butties catering stall. All round good egg.


Kevin L – Security, Fire Warden and Risk Assessor (all the boring stuff). Designer of the logos, guitarist and owner of an Orange VW van.


Tanis L - Social Media expert, naturist for years, knows a lot of naturists in the South/Southwest and is a friendly face that many will recognise.

Also, Rob and Dee, who help with running craft, sorting out electrics, assisting with merchandising, and all manner of other tasks...

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